Yes I Am
Stream or download the song: Lyrics to the song: I am excited to share this song with you, inspired by the section of my book where I write about embracing my authenticity after years of being told that I was too this or too that, and so grateful to Kelly Boek for saying yes when I asked her to partner with me on this. Her voice is incredible and we plan on making more music for you. A huge thank you to my team at Shamrock Motion Pictures for all their work on this music video. “What if all our traits we’ve been told are negative are actually our greatest strengths?” (Hold On, But Don’t Hold Still)
Energetic, funny, and obsessed with creativity, Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets.