Saturday, December 30, 2023

2023 recap ❤️ Memories to last a lifetime. #2023recap #2023, by Kristina Kuzmic

2023 recap ❤️ Memories to last a lifetime. #2023recap #2023

Energetic, funny, and obsessed with creativity, Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

What it takes to open a kid toy, by Kristina Kuzmic

What it takes to open a kid toy

Energetic, funny, and obsessed with creativity, Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Christmas Trees, by Kristina Kuzmic

Christmas Trees
Never enough balls.
Energetic, funny, and obsessed with creativity, Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Raising teenagers? Full show is available for streaming:, by Kristina Kuzmic

Raising teenagers? Full show is available for streaming:

Energetic, funny, and obsessed with creativity, Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets.