I Crashed My Mother In Law's Car On Thanksgiving
Glad that we made it out of this one with minimal damage. When I was making a right turn there was a truck parallel on the opposite side of the road. I had to stop to avoid a front collision and the driver behind me didn't stop. The kids are okay and so are we. Grateful and thankful. #FAIL #accident #car #thanksgiving2018 #turkeyTrot2018 #oceanside Kickstarter CAMPAIGN 28 Days Left http://kck.st/2Rb92t9 https://www.dosh.cash/ promo code: GLENH5 Support Us On Patreon! https://patreon.com/BIF We wrote our first book with the Chocolate Babies! Support by buying the book here: https://beleafinfatherhood.com/store/itsbedtimenow-37md9 Musical Guest: Song at 3:43 - Holiday song by Ray Rock https://instagram.com/iamrayrock Featuring Mizz http://instagram.com/call_me_mizz and Myself Music at 5:08 produced by - https://www.instagram.com/reddvest/ Music at 10:06 produced by Erik Kingsley https://www.instagram.com/erikingsley/ Website: https://www.beleafinfatherhood.com Follow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beleafmel Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/beleafmel