Friday, January 27, 2023

Often what sparks the most joy is removing unrealistic pressures from our life. ❤️, by Kristina Kuzmic

Often what sparks the most joy is removing unrealistic pressures from our life. ❤️

Energetic, funny, and obsessed with creativity, Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

A consequence for a bad grade, by Kristina Kuzmic

A consequence for a bad grade

Energetic, funny, and obsessed with creativity, Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Cougar Puberty, by Kristina Kuzmic

Cougar Puberty
Menopause! Let's talk about it candidly. My friend Amy shares some symptoms she was surprised by. We don't discuss weight or sex drive changes since she was expecting those, so we stick with symptoms that are less talked about. #cougarpuberty
Energetic, funny, and obsessed with creativity, Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

No shame. Get the help you need. ❤️, by Kristina Kuzmic

No shame. Get the help you need. ❤️

Energetic, funny, and obsessed with creativity, Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

It’s up to us to turn up the volume on the positive, and turn down the volume on the negative., by Kristina Kuzmic

It’s up to us to turn up the volume on the positive, and turn down the volume on the negative.

Energetic, funny, and obsessed with creativity, Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Every New Year’s, I make a hot cocoa bar for the kids., by Kristina Kuzmic

Every New Year’s, I make a hot cocoa bar for the kids.

Energetic, funny, and obsessed with creativity, Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets.